Here you find changelogs, News for the current games in development, Website Updates, and a lot more!
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BlockRunner Patch 2.1 and 2.2
ChangeLog 2.1 +Added a few more edge cases to the block spawn system.+Added an “About” button to the player screen.+Added 3 new levels to level select (NEW BOSS COMING SOON).-Fixed an issue where black bars would not open when failing or finishing (should be fixed now).-Endless Easy and Gramma mode will no longer have speed-ups…
BlockRunner : The BlockSide Version 2.0 Now Out!
Hey everyone, This update has been in the works for a while, after 4 long months of work and some procrastinating, the new 2.0 is now out! This update aims at many known issues, improves the existing systems, and adds some new stuff! (Discord Server is in the works)’ ChangeLog That’s all for now, I…
BlockRunner : The BlockSide Version 2.0 Beta is now open for testing!!!
Hey, it’s been a while! after 3 or so months of work and some procrastinating, the new 2.0 Beta is now open for testing! (Discord Server will be Coming very soon) You can play this beta by Following these steps on the steam post! {Please backup your save before doing this}
BlockRunner Patch